New Air-Packs
By Chief Ken Eurto
April 10, 2022

Hannawa Falls Fire Department has taken in 7 new MSA air-packs today. Fireman were trained this afternoon on them and later put into service. The last three years the department has tried to get federal help in purchasing them but fell short every year. But the department had a plan B in case federal help wasn’t going to happen. Total cost of 7 air-packs and 14 air bottles cost the department over $68,000.00 dollars. With the continuous support from our community from Chicken BBQ and Annual calendar fund drive. The community alone has donated around $25,000.00 dollars total to this project for the last three years and the volunteer can’t thank you enough. Even with Covid -19 the donation never fell short. Also we like to thank the business that buy the ads for the calendar each year without you the calendar would not be possible. Town of Pierrepont and Potsdam for your support with yearly contract money thank you. Each pack has a digital screen inside right of the mask to let firefighters know how much air they have. Also each pack has a inferred camera built into the screen and voice communication. Once again the officer’s and firefighters like to say thanks to all of you for making this happen.